B-Esta 50ML
Must mix with saline to make up to 80ML-100ML .
Saline must be purchased separately: Click to purchase Saline 20ML
10ML units can be purchaed separately here: Click to purchase
This product is based on sewing hyaluronic acid, at a concentration of 24 mg/ml. It is used for volume restoration and the shaping of body surfaces, for example, shaping of the breasts, calves, and buttocks. It also evening out discrepancies in skin surface such as those sometimes caused by liposuction. This product provides instant and long-lasting results without the need for open surgery and therefore avoids some of the consequences such as scarring. A single introduction of this product gives an effect lasting 1.5 - 2 years.
Disclaimer: All products are intended to be administered by licensed trained technicians. Vixen Beauty is not responsible for any side effects such as allergic reactions, etc. that may arise after administering the products.
No refunds or exchanges. All sales are final. With the purchase you acknowledge and consent to these statements.